Residencial Nobles de la Escalón. Senda Mesiana #31, San Salvador. 00-503-2529-8258.

Publicaciones de la Categoría: Nutrición

Actividad Física Nutrición

Por qué es importante realizar actividad física

Realizar actividad física de manera regular puede ser más benéfico de lo que creemos ya que no solo será una manera de quemar calorías y perder peso sino una forma de beneficiar a nuestro cuerpo en muchos sentidos, contribuyendo a la buena salud física y mental.

Se considera actividad física cualquier movimiento corporal que exige un gasto de energía. Realizar una actividad física significa simplemente ?moverse? y abarca el ejercicio pero también otras actividades como el juego, una forma activa de transporte, actividades recreativas entre otras.

La actividad física debe de ser moderada y constante para que realmente se obtengan efectos benéficos para la salud y se logre la prevención de enfermedades. Se ha demostrado que la actividad física regular ayuda a aliviar el estrés, es una forma natural de combatir y reducir los síntomas de la ansiedad y la depresión, reduce la presión arterial y el riesgo de padecer enfermedades cardiovasculares y diabetes, así como algunos tipos de cáncer, en específico el de colon y mama, y es una manera de prevenir enfermedades musculares y la osteoporosis.

La actividad regular puede contribuir a un mejor control de peso e influir positivamente en la cantidad y calidad de lo que consumimos. Se ha visto que cuando se realiza actividad física de manera habitual se mejora notablemente la autoestima, lo cual se ha demostrado se asocia a una dieta más sana, en la que se toman mejores decisiones alimentarias y se evita el consumo de alimentos con un alto contenido de grasas y azúcares. En pocas palabras, el ejercicio puede reducir los deseos de comer este tipo de alimentos poco sanos y ricos en calorías.

Existe una relación entre el nivel de actividad física y la esperanza de vida, de modo que las personas que son físicamente más activas suelen vivir más que aquellas que llevan una vida más sedentaria o con menos actividad.

Incorporar a la vida cotidiana algunas actividades sencillas como caminar lo más posible, subir escaleras en lugar de utilizar el elevador, andar en bici, bailar o iniciar un programa de ejercicio nos hará sentirnos mejor y mejorará de forma notable nuestra salud.

En general se recomienda sesiones regulares de una intensidad moderada, como caminar con energía todos o casi todos los días por un mínimo de 30 minutos, sin duda ayudará a mejorar nuestro estado físico y mental.

Así que pruebe cambiar ciertos hábitos, como ver mucha televisión o permanecer mucho tiempo sentado, que le hacen tener una vida más sedentaria y elija un estilo de vida más activo el cual le brindará grandes beneficios.

mar. 28 may. 2019



We all want to be healthy.  But there is so much information out there when it comes to your health that it?s hard to know what to focus on. Routine doctor visits are important, but only account for 10 percent of what determines your health.  Social and environmental factors are twice as important at 20 percent.  And genetics (what you inherit from your family) comes in at 30 percent.  The biggest factor, at 40 percent, is your health habits and behaviors.

Here are six of the most important things you can do for good health.

  • Be physically active. Exercise for at least 20 minutes, three times a week. Cardio is the most important type of exercise you can do. But it?s also important to incorporate resistance training, like weight lifting, into your routine.  People who exercise regularly have a lower risk of Alzheimer?s disease, live longer, have less joint pain, are in a better mood, and are at less risk for cancer. Find an activity you can enjoy. This gives you the best chance to keep it going over time.
  • Don?t smoke. Life is hard enough when you?re doing everything right.  Smoking harms almost every organ in your body.  Smoking causes cancer, and it can also cause heart disease, osteoporosis, cataracts, and even increases your chance of becoming diabetic.
  • Don?t drink alcohol to excess. Moderate drinking is one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men.  Excessive drinking causes liver disease, high blood pressure, many types of cancer, and the empty calories increase your risk of obesity.
  • Eat multiple servings of fruits and vegetables each day. This means about two cups of fruit and two cups of vegetables.  The vitamins, minerals and fiber they provide reduce blood pressure and cholesterol as well as diseases of the intestines. They also help you repair injured tissues, reducing your risk of some cancers.
  • Wear seatbelts. Your injuries from a car crash will be worse without a seatbelt. And not wearing one during a car crash can be fatal. More than half of people ages 13 to 44 who die in car accidents don?t have on seatbelts.
  • Achieve a healthy weight. Being overweight or obese increases your risk of disease, most notably diabeteshigh blood pressurestrokeheart attack, arthritis, and many types of cancer.  Being underweight is also a risk factor for disease.  Ask your doctor about your BMI (your measure of body fat based on height and weight). A BMI of 19 to 25 is healthy.

These six health habits may not seem all that difficult, but only three percent of Americans do them all.  Talk with your doctor about your challenges.  Write down your goals and post them where you can see them every day.  If you achieve all six, you will have more energy, feel more focused and motivated, handle stress better, and have the best possible quality of life.

 683 mié. 5 jun. 2019

Nutrición Descanso y Recreo

Nutrition: What is it and why is it important?

Nutrition, nourishment, or aliment, is the supply of materials - food - required by organisms and cells to stay alive. In science and human medicine, nutrition is the science or practice of consuming and utilizing foods.

In hospitals, nutrition may refer to the food requirements of patients, including nutritional solutions delivered via an IV (intravenous) or IG (intragastric) tube.

Nutritional science studies how the body breaks food down (catabolism) and how it repairs and creates cells and tissue (anabolism). Catabolism and anabolism combined can also be referred to as metabolism. Nutritional science also examines how the body responds to food.

What is nutrition?

A selection of nutritious food in bowls

As molecular biology, biochemistry, and genetics advance, nutrition has become more focused on metabolism and metabolic pathways - biochemical steps through which substances inside us are transformed from one form to another.

Nutrition also focuses on how diseases, conditions, and problems can be prevented or reduced with a healthy diet.

Similarly, nutrition involves identifying how certain diseases and conditions may be caused by dietary factors, such as poor diet (malnutrition), food allergies, and food intolerances.

Dietitian vs. nutritionist

A registered dietitian nutritionist (RD or RDN) studies food, nutrition, and dietetics through an accredited university and approved curriculum, then completes a rigorous internship and passes a licensure exam to become a registered dietitian.

A nutritionist (without the title of an RD or RDN) studies nutrition via self-study or through formal education but does not meet the requirements to use the titles RD or RDN. The two terms are often interchangeable, but they are not identical.


Dietetics is the interpretation and communication of the science of nutrition; it helps people make informed and practical choices about food and lifestyle in both health and disease.

Part of a dietician's course includes both hospital and community settings. Dietitians work in a variety of areas, from private practice to healthcare, education, corporate wellness, and research, while a much smaller proportion work in the food industry.

A dietitian must have a recognized degree or postgraduate degree in nutrition and dietetics and meet continuing education requirements to work as a dietitian.


Food scientist doing research with microscope
Nutritionists sometimes carry out research for food manufacturers.

Nutrition is the study of nutrients in food, how the body uses nutrients, and the relationship between diet, health, and disease.

Major food manufacturers employ nutritionists and food scientists.

Nutritionists may also work in journalism, education, and research. Many nutritionists work in the field of food science and technology.

There is a lot of overlap between what nutritionists and dietitians do and study. Some nutritionists work in a healthcare setting, some dietitians work in the food industry, but a higher percentage of nutritionists work in the food industry and in food science and technology, and a higher percentage of dietitians work in healthcare, corporate wellness, research, and education.


 750 mié. 5 jun. 2019



ESTA ES UNA PRUEBA. My kids leave for school at all hours in the morning so my goal is to make them something quick and healthy! Smoothies are the ultimate way to jam pack as much nutrition as possible into one drink. These 6 Superfood Smoothies are the perfect meal and full of vitamins which will keep them energized and their minds sharp. The key is the smoothies must taste amazing or my kids won?t drink them! I sneak in handfuls of spinach without them even detecting it since it has such a mild flavor yet is such a nutritional powerhouse.

Since smoothies are full of fresh fruits, vegetables, and protein ? the options are endless. We mix it up with lots of variety so the smoothies don?t get boring.  I am posting our fabulous six superfood smoothies which are filled with superfoods that will start your mornings off right.


Here is where I am going to get a little personal. I was a healthy and active girl when I got hit with an autoimmune disease that rocked my world. I visited the doctor and he performed an insane amount of blood tests to figure out what was going on with my body.

I was dealing with the debilitating effects of several autoimmune diseases ? rheumatoid arthritis and Hashimoto?s thyroiditis diseases, among others.

I didn?t think I would be dealing with arthritis in my 30?s! My weight had even skyrocketed for no apparent reason (which will put any woman in a tailspin).

After many blood tests confirmed I was dealing with several autoimmune issues, I was referred to both a rheumatologist and endocrinologist to deal with the effects of my immune system going haywire.  The specialists wanted to put me on a host of medications to help with the swelling and inflammation, all with a list of negative side effects. I felt as if I was ALWAYS at the doctor. I didn?t want to just put on a band-aid.

I went home and my husband and I just sobbed together on the couch (which he may not like me admitting publicly since he is not a crier), afraid of what the future might hold. After a good cry, I felt determined to figure out what the ROOT cause of my health issues was. I started studying like crazy. I began driving around to every library in town, picking up stacks of health books, and researching everything I could about my disease. I became a full-on nerd!

I kept reading over and over about the powerful healing powers of whole foods. After much research, I decided to implement a 30-day healthy food plan.  It included only cold-pressed juices, whole food smoothies, vegetables, fresh fruit, fish, and chicken.  Nothing else.

Being the baker that I am, it just about killed me! Okay truth be told?.in reality, it gave me new life!  I supplemented my diet with a whole host of herbs that help with inflammation and autoimmune disorders.  I filled my refrigerator with the freshest ingredients and spent hours at a time creating smoothies and filling glass jars with them. I drank everything from raw fermented beet juice to cleanse my liver to lemon turmeric drinks to help calm my inflammation.


vie. 7 jun. 2019

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